Empowering cybersecurity talent through innovative and accessible education to ensure that nobody is left behind in cyber education.

Article credit: Cindy Palmer

4/17/20232 min read

Whole Cyber Human Initiative- LogoWhole Cyber Human Initiative- Logo

Every time I meet someone who says that they’re interested in either of these fields, I ask them, “Do you know Paul?”

Paul Cummings is a veteran. A retired Navy Chief. Fellow shipmate. Vets2Industry volunteer, among other entities. And from personal experience, I can tell you he’s one amazing individual.

He’s also the CEO of Whole Cyber Human Initiative Inc. - a non profit organization.The mission of The Whole Cyber Human Initiative is to redefine how the industry as a whole identifies and trains these individuals. Growing awareness and providing opportunities for learning and growth for all aspiring IT and cybersecurity professionals of all ages and walks of life.

Read that again: Growing AWARENESS and providing OPPORTUNITIES for learning and growth to ALL aspiring IT and cybersecurity professionals of ALL ages and walks of life.

So, yes - their services are available to EVERYONE. Veterans. Spouses. First responders. Or none of the above.

Retirees. Middle aged individual like myself. Young adults.

In fact, their youngest candidate in the program is actually 16 years old!

You can participate in their program from anywhere in the world, and you can go through the program at your own pace. Game changer for those who have a job - particularly active duty service members who deploy.

Gain knowledge. Gain experience. Learn practical skills and not just learn how to pass a test.

They offer a workforce development pipeline. They have a candidate pipeline to help individuals figure out what they actually want to do in the field. They get to know their candidates and provide guidance to best prepare them for what’s to come after they successfully complete the program.

And if this weren’t incredible enough, the program is 100% free - and includes 100 hours of training, labs, and hands on experience. Taking a holistic approach by teaching different roles within these industries to help make their students marketable in different fields.

Learn more about this incredible initiative and how it came about, plus hear some great advice about starting a business, and ways to grow by listening to the full interview in the video below. Don't for checck out our previous guests on our YouTube Channel.

If this program sounds incredible to you and you want to learn more, check out The Whole Cyber Human Initiative on their website.

If you’d like to help, there are a few ways you can:

* Donate

* Shop their store on their website. They’ve got COFFEE, shirts, cups, and other items through Proper Patriot.

* Spread the word!

They are working on a scholarship program that they’re building to help students get certifications.

They are also looking for companies that see value in their approach that would be interested in a direct hire program. So, if you’re a company or business that would like to hear more about this, reach out to Paul, or connect with him on LinkedIn.